too many

Posts tagged “lessons learned

Things I’ve Learned

I thought about this for a while. I think I am going to post things I have learned over the past year. To some, it will be common sense. To me though, they are actual things I have thought about with actual merit. I will splay them out randomly in posts but they are things that I want to reflect on.

1) Wisdom is weak unless mixed with experience.
This one is the top one. I hear a lot of things from other people. I didn’t pay much attention to what may have been said. But as soon as something happens to me, then I understand. You can hear a quote given many times, but it’s only when you live it does it come to life.

2) It’s not the end of the world (at least not until December)
When the divorce started and I did not have the kids, I spent a lot of time worrying. I laid in bed and thinking the worst. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I found out things can get a lot worse. That’s when it occurred to me that I will survive. This isn’t bad. There are people who have it a lot worse than I do.

3) Stay in touch with your friends. The ones who are meant to stay will.
When I left, I found out that I lost contact with a lot of friends. I made some friends throughout this divorce. They didn’t stick around. That’s when I realized how much my family stuck around and helped out a lot.

4) She is not your friend
This is something my Uncle told me. He went through a messier divorce than I did. However when he told me, I took it to heart. He told me she will do anything and everything to fuck me over. She has tried to do so and being prepared has helped me a lot. I keep my distance from my ex and I always keep a wary eye.

That’s all I can think about for now. I will write more when I can think of more. I can never make a list on the spot but I will continue…